Vision & Mission
Is for a society in which we strive to provide an equitable and integrated model of Health care, Education, Skill development, and livelihoods by empowering marginalized people to be self reliant.
To develop a dedicated service minded team that enables holistic development of marginalized people, through innovative, replicable models with a passion for excellence.
Scope of work:
- Education & Adolescent Girls Education program.
- Health care.
- Dairy Development Program for Women Empowerment Program
- Skill Development.
- Integrated Rural Development Activity.
Reaching The Unreached:
Sukruti Swayam Seva Samaste reaches out to those who are in the remote and inaccessible areas,hilly and tribal regions and insurgency areas with poor roads,no phone and electrical connectivity, where both public and private health services have hardly reached the poor.
Scope & Coverage Of Project:
Sukruti Swayam Seva Samaste is a nonprofit organization, which is working in various areas of society like health,education and Livilyhood and rural development.In the district of haveri,sukruti has undertaken primary health center,sheshagiri under public-private partnership (Revised Arogya bandu scheme-2016).The Primary health centre sheshagiri located in the hanagal area of haveri district of karanataka state which is a most remote area.The rural population of the area as well as limited facility for the rural masses due to poor management and lacking of medical professionals.Sukruti oraganization manages the hospital in the line of rural primary health centre model developed by govt.of provides the basic primary health care facility and in addition,it delivers preventive,promotive,curative and rehabiliataive health services to about 19304 population 3955 households and 3006 elgible couples.sukruti organisation manages this PHC by placing all the medical,para medical staff as per the norms of phc and tarins them well to deliver the services.sukruti plans to introduce a lot of tecnology driven innovations in its PHCs.Organization has plan implimented electronic medical records(EMR).This has helped in storing the medical records electronically and analysing the data for effective delivery of health care servics.
Bedfore taking this sheshagiri PHC,its OPD was only 10-15 per day but now after we took up this PHC the daily OPD has raised to 70-80 per day and IPD is 5 to 10 per day.There was no sanctioned Laboratory,But who started standard well equipped lab now, and mobile themes and camps through which our service is reaching the unreached and the most remote areas. Sukruti organisation is very much impressed with EME software and is interested in implementing the same software in all its PHCs. we are looking forward to go Hand in and in providing quality healthcare services in rural areas .